Date Time
Autometa provides some utilities for working with dates and times during automation tests.
The Dates
object contains handy helpers to create common dynamic dates like 'tomorrow',
'next week', 'yesterday' etc.
const dto = {
dateCreated: Dates.yesterday(),
The Dates object also supports phrases such as '5 days from now'
Given a promotion starting '5 days from now'
Date phrases can be extracted from steps using the {date}
expression parameter type.
Given('a promotion starting {date} from now', (date: Date) => {
// --------- dates type is automatically inferred ^
// explicit type can be avoided.
However iso date strings and short date strings are also accepted:
Given a promotion starting '2021-01-01'
Given a promotion starting '2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'
The Date expression must be wrapped in quotation marks.