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Using Allure

Autometa supports the Allure Reports Framework.

To enable reporting, add AllureSubscriber to the subscriber property in your autometa.config.ts or other file which calls defineConfig().

import { defineConfig, AllureSubscriber } from "@autometa/cucumber-runner";
// ....
subscribers: [AllureSubscriber]
// ...

One enabled, Allure will automatically generate suites, packages, tests, hooks and steps, which will be generated to .allure-reports/

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Defining Steps in tests

It's possible to define substeps within steps and hooks. To do so, add AllureStepper as a constructor argument on your App class:

export class App {
constructor(readonly allure: AllureStepper) {}

From here it can be accessed from a step or hook defintion function.

Given("a user wishes to log in", ({ world, allure: { step } }: App) => {
// synchronous allure step
step("configure credentials", () => {
world.credentials = {
username: process.env.USERNAME,
password: process.env.PASSWORD

"the user logs in with their credentials",
async ({ page, world, allure: { step } }: App) => {
// asynchronous allure step
await step("Enter username", () => page.enterUsername(world.username));
await step("Enter password", () => page.enterUsername(world.password));
await step("Click login", page.clickLogin);

An Allure step can be asynchronous or synchronous. If it is asynchronous or returns a Promise, then the Allure step itself must be await'd.

Allure steps can also be used in some hooks.

import { dbSeeder, cleanup } from "../db";

Before("Setup Db", async ({ world, allure: { step } }: App) => {
await step(
"Add seed data to database",
async () => (world.seedData = await dbSeeder())

After("Teardown db", async ({ world, allure: { step } }: App) => {
await step("delete seeded data", () => cleanup(world.seedData));