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Jest-Automation is a runner for Cucumber which runs on Jest.

It replaces Cucumber with a callback style of test using Scenarios, Scenario Outlines and Given When Then etc steps.

This library was inspired by jest-cucumber


This project uses tsyringe internally and depends on reflect-metadata;

You must ensure that import 'reflect-metadata' is one of the first imports made in your tests. One place to put this could be the first line of your configuration file

Getting Started

Install Jest-Automation
npm i -D @jest-automation/cucumber
Add test pattern to jest config
"testMatch": [
Add a Feature File
Feature: Search For Houses
Scenario: I Can Search For A House In London
Given I am looking for a house in 'London'
When I search for houses
Then I receive a list of results
Create a Steps file
import { Feature } from '@jest-automation/cucumber';

Feature(() => {}, './features/SearchHouses.feature');

The path to the feature file can be specified relative to the current file position by starting with ./, ../ or no prefix. The prefix ~/ will attempt to load the file relative to the root of the running project, while an absolute path will be used as is.

The Feature function takes a callback which provides as an argument an object containing the following test functions:

  • Scenario
  • ScenarioOutline
  • All

Also provided is a shared step Background function which will be applied to all relevant scenarios, and a Rule, which behaves like a Feature and provides Scenario and ScenarioOutline.

Add a Scenario
import { Feature } from '@jest-automation/cucumber';

Feature(({ Scenario }) => {
Scenario('I Can Search For A House In London', () => {});
}, './features/SearchHouses.feature');

N.b ensure that scenarios have complete, unique names.

The callback objects like Scenario also take a callback, which provides the step functions.

Add Steps
import { Feature } from '@jest-automation/cucumber';
import { Searcher } from '../src/test-actions';

Feature(({ Scenario }) => {
Scenario('I Can Search For A House In London', ({ Given, When, Then }) => {
Given('I am looking for a house in London', () => {

When('I search for houses', () => {

Then('I receive a list of results', () => {
const expected = { address: '1 Pilsbury Lane', bedrooms: 2 };
}, './features/SearchHouses.feature');
Scenario Outline
Feature(({ ScenarioOutline }) => {
ScenarioOutline('I Can Search For A House', ({ Given, When, Then }) => {
Given('I am looking for a house in {string}', (city) => {

When('I search for houses', () => {

'I receive a list of results containing {string} with {number} bedrooms',
(address: string, bedrooms: number) => {
const expected = { address, bedrooms };
}, './features/SearchHouses.feature');


Backgrounds are another test callback. Steps in a Background will be reused across any scenarios within scope of that Background - i.e a Background inside a rule is not relevant to a Scenario outside a rule.

Backgrounds in Jest-Automation do not have to match the Background blocks in a Feature file - They can be ignored entirely or used to reduce initialization steps that don't have a Background in Feature.

Background In Feature File

Feature: A Feature
Given a setup step

Scenario: A Scenario
When a when step

The steps for this can be:

Feature(({ Background, Scenario }) => {
Background(({ Given }) => {
Given('a setup step', () => {});

Scenario('A Scenario', () => {
When('a when step', () => {});


Feature(({ Scenario }) => {
Scenario('A Scenario', () => {
Given('a setup step', () => {});
When('a when step', () => {});

As the Background is optional.

Background in Steps Only

Feature: A Feature
Scenario: A Scenario
Given a setup step
When a when step

Scenario: Another Scenario
Given a setup step
When another when step

The steps for this can be:

Feature(({ Background, Scenario }) => {
Background(({ Given }) => {
Given('a setup step', () => {});

Scenario('A Scenario', ({ When }) => {
When('a when step', () => {});

Scenario('Another Scenario', ({ Then }) => {
When('a when step', () => {});


Rules behave similarly to the Feature function. It is a function provided by the Feature and which provides it's own copy of Scenario, ScenarioOutline and Background which map to a Rule in the Feature File

Feature: A User Can Log In
Given a user

Scenario: A User Successfully Logs In
Given they enter their credentials
When they log in
The they are presented with their profile

Rule: If a username is invalid, then the log in will fail
Scenario: A User Cannot Log In Without A Username
Given they do not provide a username
When they log in
Then log in fails

Scenario: A User Cannot Log In With The Wrong Username
Given they provide the wrong username
When they log in
Then log in fails

Which can be expressed as

Feature(({ Background, Scenario, Rule })=>{
Background(({ Given })=>{
Given('a user', ()=>{})

Scenario(' A User Successfully Logs In', ({ Given, When, Then })=>{
Given('they enter their credentials', ()=>{})
When('they log in', ()=>{})
Then('they are presented with their profile', ()=>{})

Rule('If a username is invalid, then the log in will fail', ({ Scenario })=>{
Scenario('A User Cannot Log In Without A Username', ()=>{...})
Scenario('A User Cannot Log In With The Wrong Username', ()=>{...})
}, './file.feature')


Rules can also have a Background

Storing Data Between Steps and Shared steps in a Test

The are storage container objects available to each test instance. These are automatically injected into every scenario and are unique to each scenario.