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Configuring Jest

Once your jest.config has been set up to your liking, we'll need to make some changes to support the Cucumber Runner.

Add the Cucumber transformer

With @autometa/jest-transformer installed, we can add it as a transform module for *.feature files. We can also make *.feature a test extension which Jest can load

// jest.config.ts
default export {
transform: {
"^.+\\.feature$": "@autometa/jest-transformer"
moduleFileExtensions: ["feature", "js", "json", "ts", "tsx"],
testRegex: "(/integration/feature/.*|(\\.|/)(test|spec))\\.feature$"

For this example we will hold our tests in integration/feature and name them with the .feature extension.

Setup Files After Env

We need to setup the Cucumber environment before Jest runs. We can do this by adding a setupFilesAfterEnv property to our Jest config, and reference our autometa.config.ts file and reflect-metadata.

// jest.config.ts
export default {
setupFilesAfterEnv: ["reflect-metadata", "./autometa/config.ts"]